6 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying a Portable Display
The proliferation of trade show display websites makes buying a portable display easy. Perhaps too easy. Many exhibitors, especially new ones, know little about display hardware. They see beautiful images of displays with great prices and the convenience of point-and-click. What arrives, however, may not match the pretty picture or the online description. 6 Mistakes … Continued
2019 Guide to Social Media Marketing for Your Event

Anyone running a business, whether that be a new start up or a successful long-established company, knows the importance of marketing their services and products at trade shows, conferences and corporate events. Events like these are ideal ways to get your brand name out into the wider sector, and while making the right impression while … Continued
COVID-19 Emergency Medical Tents Now Offered Through Indy Displays

Indy Displays has added COVID-19 Emergency Medical Tents to their product line in an effort to supply institutions, companies, and government agencies with necessary screening and treatment pods as this situation continues to evolve, for those affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic crisis. To assist immediate needs and resource restrictions, Indy Displays is making ourselves … Continued
How to Make Your Video Conferences More Professional

The best salesperson can tell you that there is nothing that can compete with an in-person sales pitch, but the ability to make in-person sales and client service calls is now impeded. Video conferences are no longer just a convenient resource, they have now become the only option for face time. On Sunday, March 29, … Continued
Innovative Solutions for Exhibit Displays in Uncertain Times

Don’t Let COVID-19 Stall Your Event Marketing Goals in 2020 While the world anxiously awaits the opening up of the economy after the threat of COVID-19 lowers, it is likely those waiting for large attendee events will have to wait even longer. Experts predict a steady approach to getting people back to work, but concerts, … Continued
How to Plan for Events After Coronavirus

The process of planning and preparation will undoubtedly change for events after coronavirus quarantine measures. Disease prevention measures will be implemented not only for the trade show attendees, but also for booth and facility staffs. Public health concerns will be top of mind for anyone attending large gatherings. Enacting socially responsible operations will set companies … Continued